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Dry Needling Services

What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a technique specially trained physical therapists use for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. The technique uses a "dry" needle, which means one without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into painful areas of the muscle.


Dry needling is not acupuncture, a practice based on traditional Chinese medicine and performed by acupuncturists. Dry needling is a part of modern Western medicine principles and supported by research and anatomical referred pain patterns.


What Is a Trigger Point?

A trigger point is a taut band of skeletal muscle located within a larger muscle group. Trigger points can be tender to the touch, and touching a trigger point may cause pain to refer to other parts of the body.


What Kind of Needles Are Used?

Dry needling involves a thin filiform needle that penetrates the skin and stimulates underlying myofascial trigger points and muscular and connective tissues. The needle allows a physical therapist to target tissues that are not manually palpable.


Is Dry Needling Covered By My Insurance?

Maybe... Dry needling is not currently covered by many insurance carriers but we have found success in getting this covered with some plans. Dry needling is also available at Madison Therapy & Wellness as a self-pay service for everyone. Contact our office to schedule your dry needling session.

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